Fix Photo Studio Privacy Policy

We keep your data safe for a secure business experience. Please read our Privacy Policy to learn how we collect and use your data. If you have questions, could you email us at


Collection of Client Information

We collect:

  • Name
  • Email and phone numbers
  • Company name and VAT number (if applicable)
  • Job title and occupation
  • Country and location
  • Browser type, browsing history, operating system, and IP address

We do not collect or store payment information.


Use of Client Data

We use your data to:

  • Personalize your experience
  • Provide and improve services
  • Notify you of changes
  • Contact you for research
  • Send promotional emails
  • Allow third parties to perform necessary functions
  • Follow our Privacy Policy and Terms


Third-Party Disclosure

We may share your data with third parties for:

  • Advertising
  • Marketing communications (with your consent)
  • Service providers (e.g., email delivery, web hosting)
  • Legal compliance

We ensure third parties keep your data secure and use it only for intended purposes.


Client Image Use

Your images are your property. We use secure servers for file sharing. With your permission, we may use your images for promotional purposes. Free Trial images are excluded from this.


Data Security and Storage

We protect your data using standard security measures. Despite this, no method is completely secure. We will notify you of any significant security breaches.


Your Rights

Under GDPR, you have the right to:

  • Be informed
  • Access
  • Correct
  • Delete
  • Limit processing
  • Data portability
  • Object

Contact us to exercise your rights.


Payment Information

We use your data only for our purposes and never share it with third parties.


Email Policy

We never sell or disclose your email without consent. We may use your contact information for personalized ads. Our platforms are secure.


Anti-Spam Commitment

We do not send spam emails. You can opt out of emails anytime by contacting us.


Modern Slavery Policy

We are committed to ethical practices and eliminating modern slavery from our business. Contact us to withdraw consent or ask questions about our Privacy Policy.

For more details, email us at or call +880171039102.